Hues tones and achromatic
This week we did more colour study ~ really great exercises where a picture is used (one with quite a few different colours) and you take the colours and build up a strip picture of torn magazine pages in the quantities they appear in the photo. Then we created the oppositeOf course you are limited by the colours you find in the magazines but it makes you think about colour (the whole purpose),

Another colour study

Here we looked at how colour changes when white, grey, black and an opposite colour is added.
I also saw the computerised sewing machine which has a scanner so cant wait to draw out one of my own designs and scan it and then watch the machine create it, very excited about this!
I also used the collage Bernina a lovely machine to sew with (very solid) to do my stitch samples with.
Hello Judy!
Found your through surfing blogs and am anxious to learn with you! I will be back!
Looks like your having fun already Judy :o) Yx
Fabulous colours, I love the way you've arranged them, this sounds like a great course.
I like your colour studies - I should do some of these. I'll keep looking in to see how you're getting on - amazingly so far! :o))
Love all the colour play, and must have a go... we did this in Art Foundation, some 30 years ago! (eek!) I need a refresher course! ;)
Love the sound of that computerised scanning malarkey and can't wait to see what your designs come out like.
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