notes on the wall panel

possible layout

The more I played with the papers the more the ideas seemed to flow, until I felt I had enough to work with ~ here are the three pieces I have chosen ~ the panels will be separated with cotton organdie or scrim with trapped words; memories etc

Now I had to figure how to get the colours and textures of the papers onto fabric. I started by mixing up dylon dyes and did sample tests on a variety of fabrics

I also tested liquid acrylics on fabric

I painted bondaweb to create texture on the surface of the dyed or painted fabric

and finally some possible quilting and sewing lines
The fabric is dyed and painted and already in three separate quilted pieces~ today I have printed my words and memories onto cotton organdie ~ wow super expensive ~ but necessary as it has good 'body'. And now Im off to work on the panel again.
Love your colours. The striped piece looks really good.
i can see your really enjoying the process of it all Judy, this is going to be a fab piece, love the doodle at the bottom and that painted bondaweb looks wonderful! Yx
beautiful colors and great textures. I love seeing some of the design process! Great work!
I love your thinking aloud style of writing and the collages have lead to some great work. Looking forward to seeing hwere this is going next.
amazing work, Jude! the painted bondaweb is my absolute fave so far... gorgeous colours! :)
have fun, sweetheart xXx
Oh my Jude you have been busy, i didn't realise you had a college blog, it is so lovely. I wish my C+G folder looked like this. Amazing work.
I've just found this blog via your pictures of felting on flickr. I discovered felting this year too, and am hooked! This diary blog is lovely, you are really communicating the design process and excitement of learning new things. And it is so colourful too. I have a blog about the evening class I attend to learn jewellery-making. I need to take of few tips from yours to make mine more interesting!
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